Guild Programs

Guild programs run approximately 60 minutes, plus time for Q&A and conversation. All guild programs can be scheduled in person or 'live' via Zoom.

Chromatic Fantasy

Music, Mathematics and Magic in Doubleweave


For nearly 40 years I have been exploring relationships between weaving, mathematics and music in my doubleweave wallpieces. In this multi-media presentation, I will show how I have used doubleweave pick-up as a medium for my geometric designs and color harmonies. I will explain the basic principles of the golden proportion, symmetry movements, tessellations and fractals, and show how I have used them in my work. The program will culminate with a journey through my masters project and an animated video of my weavings dancing to the music of Bach.

Double Rainbow

An Evolution in Color


My work in doubleweave has always focused on the interaction of color between the two layers of cloth. I will show a number of images of my work in doubleweave pickup that play one solid colored layer against a layer in a gradation of a spectrum of colors. In 2016 I began developing a system of color rotations in both the warp and the weft that combine with all of the possibilities for bringing different colors to the surface of the cloth and weaving in multiple blocks. I will show how this idea developed for me and the process that I go through in designing my textiles in my Double Rainbow technique.

Mathemagical Design

Geometry in Textiles


Since ancient times, human beings have observed the world around them and found recurring patterns in nature. The Golden Proportion, the Fibonacci Series, symmetry movements, tessellations and fractals are some of the mathematical ideas that have found their way into art and architecture for thousands of years. In this slide show we will see examples of how these ideas have been used throughout history, various cultures, and particularly in contemporary fiber art.

Textile Adventures in Peru


When Nilda Callañaupa from the Center for Traditional Textiles of Cusco was planning her 2013 conference in Cusco, she asked me if I would come to the conference to teach the pre-Columbian doubleweave techniques to her weavers. I spent a year preparing for the experience by studying backstrap weaving, Peruvian doubleweave and Spanish. In November 2013 I attended and taught at the conference and then traveled to a number of weaving villages and archeological sites in the Peruvian highlands. I will present a slideshow of my experiences in Peru, as well as show textiles and demonstrate what I taught at the conference.